Posted in Good Stuff, Positive Flow

Soothing ANGER with LOVE ❤️

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers! There is a lot of unrest in the United States right now. There needs to be something done. The rules of policing and due process needs to change. No matter what the outward problems, the inward problem is the lack of love. So I , with my small voice, speak love. I cover every city with love. I cover ever protester with love. I cover every police officer with love. I cover every government official with love. I cover every fear with love. I cover all sadness with love. I cover myself and my mental state with love. Let love fill our hearts and please share and spread love with me. Please join me in speaking and spreading love!

Posted in Positive Flow

I Speak Love ❤️

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers! I speak love over this country. I speak love over our government. I speak love over our police officers. I speak over our African American families affected by police brutality. I speak love over those people who are frightened by African Americans. I speak love over all who read this. May love fill our hearts again. Love! Love! Love!

Posted in Good Stuff, Positive Flow

Grateful, Thankful, Blessed!

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers! A lot of times when things start happening for us that we had hoped would happen, it scares us. Wait! Stop! I should speak for me. It scares me. I start thinking, “why would they want me”? Or “it’s probably gonna cost some money” . I feel like a lot of times that’s the situation I create for myself. However this time, I’m going just stop and say Thank You! I’m going to stop questioning God and trying to figure out what will be required of me. I’m going to just be totally grateful and open to every new opportunity that comes my way! I’m grateful, thankful, and blessed!

Daily Affirmations: Today is a Wonderful day. I choose to move with joy and ease. I am thankful for everything opportunity to love more, every opportunity to teach more, every opportunity to live more. I am excited about life. I am healthy, wealthy, whole, and complete. ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM. ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL. ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD. ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE. #IBlessMyWorldWithLove

Posted in Just Talkin'

Good Mourning!

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers! It’s probably a shame but I just realized that Memorial Day is day to celebrate those who have past and gone. So I guess I’ve never celebrated this holiday correctly. I normally just find somebody who is cooking and go over there house and hangout/ eat all day! However, yesterday I was invited to an online Memorial Day church service. At the beginning of the service and throughout the service they flashed pictures and funeral programs of people who died last year. They sang sad songs. It made me wonder why do people do that to themselves. If someone died and it was a sad occasion, WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU WANT TO RELIVE IT EVERY YEAR.

This made realize that in some way, people get joy and meaning from mourning the death of a loved one. I guess it’s feels good to just remember that person. Hmmmm?

I thought about it. I do enjoy remembering my loved ones. Almost every time we sit at the dinner table, we laugh and tell the stories of family members that have died. Not of their deaths but of their life. This made me realize that mourning the death of a loved one is good. The more you remember the life of the person the better you feel. It’s sad at first, but after a while you will get some type of joy and fulfillment from remembering. So I say Good Mourning!

Daily Affirmations: Today is an Amazing day. I feel good. I love my life. Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow. It’s good to remember my loved ones. I am thankful for all that have gone before me. I am healthy, wealthy, whole, and complete. ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM. ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL. ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD. ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE. #IBlessMyWorldWithLove

Posted in Positive Flow, Positive Flow

Hey Hey Hey! It’s Fun Friday!

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers! It is time sing like you’re in the shower. Dance like the world is dancing with you. Play like you played when you were a child. It’s Fun Friday! Let’s shake off the quarantine blues and get out and go for a walk. Go swing on a swing. Slide down the slide. Just have fun. Let the little child within you, come out to play.

Daily Affirmations: Today is a Wonderful day. All Is Well with my soul. I feel good. I am loving and lovable. I love and approve of myself. I am so blessed. I am healthy, wealthy, whole, and complete. ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM. ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL. ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD. ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE. #IBlessMyWorldWithLove

Posted in Positive Flow

Celebrating the Stranger Things

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers. Today we live in a totally different world than we did just 2 months ago. Some would call it a strange new world. A world of wearing face mask and having to try and stay 6 feet apart. It kind of make our already impersonal society seem more separated than ever. However, there is a reason to rejoice. By being forced to be apart, we have some what banded together now more than ever. We calling each other more. The other day, I had a cup of coffee on Zoom with aunt who I hadn’t seen in a while because we’ve both been too busy.

In some strange way, social distancing is bringing us together. I’m loving the drive by birthday parades and graduations. People are finding creative ways to celebrate and come together. That makes me feel happy 😃 These things would’ve been considered strange just 2 months ago. Although it seems like we have entered another dimension like in Stranger Things, we still have a reasoned celebrate because we’re forming closer bonds and growing through adversity.

Daily Affirmations: Today is a Great day. I have so many reasons to rejoice. I celebrate my life as it is right here and now. I love myself. I approve of myself. I live in the present. I am healthy, wealthy, whole and complete. ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM. ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL. ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD. ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE. #IBlessMyWorldWithLove

Posted in Positive Flow

The Good F Word!

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers! Faith cancels out fear. Faith is the ability to wish without worry! Faith comes when you face fear head on.

But it seems like faith has to be developed. As children, fear is instilled in us. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. This will hurt you. This is dangerous. There were sometimes I felt as though the adults in my life wanted back things to happen to me. Just so they could say. I was right. I took on that trait from them. When I was younger, I always had old man wisdom. I would tell my friends something bad would happen and sit and wait for it to happen, just so I could say, “ I told you so”. As I got older and once I started on this journey of self discovery and joyful living, I wanted to have faith in good things rather than bad. Now I want to be the one saying “sure, that can happen. You can do it”. And then sit back and watch them do it.

Daily Affirmations: Today is an Amazing day. I wish without worry. I am excited about life. I love and approve of myself. It is safe to be me. My future is brighter because I believe. I am healthy, wealthy, whole, and complete. ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM. ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL. ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD. ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE. #IBlessMyWorldWithLove

Posted in Positive Flow

The Real F Word

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers! This word is one of the most crippling words ever. It can stop you dead in your tracks. Many people have died and never get over this. And the word is FEAR. During this season of COVID-19, it’s easy to get trapped inside and become fearful of venturing out. I had noticed I was becoming so fearful that I didn’t want to leave my bed. I had started noticing pains coming from different parts of my body which made me remember I need to deal with my fear.

And we all know that the best way to handle fear is to face it head on. So just a simple thing like going to sit in the common area of the house to have dinner, instead of eating in my bedroom, I faced my fear. Going to the grocery, instead of having them delivered; I faced my fear.

A few years ago, I started writing children’s stories. After a few rejection letters from publishers, I was too fearful to go on. Until I decided to face my fear and self publish. Fast forward. . . . Things didn’t seem as scary when I faced it head on.

You an do the same thing! Whatever it is you are fearful about; face it head on!

Daily Affirmations: Today is an Awesome Day! I choose to move with joy and ease. I am loved. I am safe. I am at peace. I am fearless. Whatever I fear, fears me when I face it. I am healthy, wealthy, whole and complete. ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM. ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL. ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD. ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE. #IBlessMyWorldWithLove

Posted in Promotional

Books for Boys!!!

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers! As a teacher it is hard to find books that’s boys enjoy reading. That’s why I’m happy to collaborate with these two up and coming Authors; Mr Dana Calhoun and Mr John Yates. Both books will be for intermediate grade level students and both will be out by June 15! I’m totally excited!

Posted in Positive Flow, Positive Flow

Singing In The Rain! Fun Friday Edition!

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful World Changers! It is a rainy Friday here in Kentucky! Most people hate the rain, but I love it! The rain is used to till to soil and make it ready to grow things. That’s how I see the “rain” in my life. Most people envision rain as bad things that happen in life. That may be the case but if you see every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow, you can take joy in the rain! Sing in the rain! Dance in the rain! Grow from the rain!

Singing in The Rain by Kyri Demby

The rain in my life is falling hard, yet I still have a song.
The winds are blowing while lightening flashes, my voice is even more strong.
I’m singing in the rain
Through al the hurt and pain
There’s so much to gain
The knowledge from lessons remain
I’m singing in the rain
Dancing in the rain
Twirling in the rain
Jumping in the rain
The rain falls harder and yet in sing on
The thunder claps loud, my voice is even more strong
I find joy in the rain
Peace in the rain
Happiness in the rain
The rain comes down
To til the soil
Break up fallow ground
Water the seeds
And saves us from toil
Toil is hard hard work
The work digging in the ground
Searching our hearts to
Turn our lives around
Searching our minds to
Fine our strength
Fixing our eyes to
See things that were so evident
I can see clearly even in the rain
I see all the growing that will come from my pain
So I can take joy and keep on singing in the rain.

Daily Affirmations: Today is a Happy Day! I am loving myself . I’m glad to be alive. I sing and rejoice in the rain. My life is amazing. Everyone I come in contact with is for me. I am healthy, wealthy, whole, and complete. ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM. ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL. ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD. ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE. #IBlessMyWorldWithLove