Posted in school affirmations

Just A Thought

I have been talking about following your feelings. Which brought me to thinking about what happened in my class the other day. I got angry with one of my first graders. She was picking at another student and yelled “don’t you dare do that!” and as she tried to explain, I said “I don’t care, we don’t talk about people”. This made her sit and cry. I felt really bad. But I went on and kept teaching and no sooner than I turned on the song; she got up and started dancing and back to laughing like nothing ever happened.In that small amount of time she went from anger to dispair to hopefulness and back to joy while I was still lingering in the anger. I feel like that’s why the children of today don’t understand us adults. We dwell  and wallow in our feelings whereas children have the feeling and let it pass. Maybe that’s why Jesus talks about the children leading us.

Posted in school affirmations

Fine Day Friday!!

Good Morning Most Awesome Wonderful Educators and Friends!!!! Today is a mighty fine day! It’s a mighty fine day to follow your feelings! Many times people feel that since you’re doing positive affirmations that you shouldn’t get mad or sad. I don’t think that. I think you should follow and explore those feelings or if you feel it is insignificant, have the feeling and let it pass on through. When I say explore the feeling, I mean, follow that anger then visit the classroom of your mind and ask yourself” why did that make you so angry?” Now you are stepping out the angry victim role to the understanding victor role! Thinking positive doesn’t take away your ability to get angry, it should just help you not to stay angry for long and it should help you understand why you are even angry in the first place. Once I discover why I am angry or sad, I make or find an affirmation about it and say it daily! That’s why I daily say “I release the need to try and control everything and everyone.” Control is normally the source of my anger. Then is boils down to me not loving myself or me not trusting life. That’s I keep letting those affirmations get deep into my mind so that soon those issues won’t be so frequent. So take this mighty fine day to follow your feelings.

Abraham says “Joseph Campbell says follow your bliss, but sometimes you can’t get a whiff of bliss from where you are. So we say if you’re in despair, follow your revenge. It’s down stream. If you’re in revenge follow your hatred. It’s down stream. If you’re in hatred follow your anger. It’s down stream. If you’re in anger, follow your frustration. It’s downstream. If you’re in frustration, follow your hope. It’s down stream. If you’re in hope. . . . Now you are in the vibration of appreciation!” (Me being in sync with the whole of who I am)


Daily Affirmations: Today is an Amazing Day! I am glad to be me! All my changes are good! I love and approve of myself. I release the need to try and control everything and everyone and I affirm that I  trust the process of life. ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE! I am an understanding victor! I create my reality with my mind. God has made me just like him a powerful creator! ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM! ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL! ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD! #IBlessMySchoolWithLove


Posted in school affirmations

Thankful Thursday!

Good Morning Most Awesome Educators and Friends! I just really wanted to say Thank you to all read and follow my blog or post to facebook. I received a great deal of encouragement from people everywhere. Although this was a started as a way for me to remember to meditate and do my  affirmations daily because I have to write it then read it and reread it. Many times during the day I’ll look at facebook or twitter and read it again! But a lot of people have told me how much it helps them to stay positive throughout the day as well! I am totally grateful! God is positioning me in the right places at the right times! There’s this old gospel song that has been on my mind this morning and it says, “Everything that happens to me that is good; God did it!” I can see that now! The more I visit the classroom of my mind, I am able to see that all things have truly worked together for my good!

Daily  Affirmations: Today is an Amazing Day! I am grateful for all that I have. I am grateful for everyone who is taking this journey of changing their thoughts with me. I am learning and growing more and more everyday. Everyday is a day of thanksgiving! I love myself! I approve of myself! ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE! ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM! ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL! ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD! #IBlessMySchoolWithLove

Posted in school affirmations

Waking Up Wednesday!

Good Morning Wonderful Educators and Friends! I was just sitting here thinking about my students, of course. LOL! I started realizing that my tolerance grows as the week progresses. On Monday, I am the teacher that doesn’t want any talking but yesterday it didn’t bother me at all. I just use my catch phrase, “Oh dear, I’ll wait”. This works for me. The students seem to instantly get quiet. I bet my Monday classes are probably wondering what’s wrong with me. I have learned that as a teacher, you really can’t have many buttons to push or pet peeves. Having these will keep you a miserable and angry teacher. I’m waking up physically but I’m also waking up mentally. By waking up, I mean, coming to a realization of why I do certain things. It’s hard to make positive changes, if you don’t go within to figure out what you do and why you do it! So today, let’s visit the classroom of our mind and WAKE UP!

Daily Affirmations: Today is an Amazing Day! I Bless my students with love. I teach with ease. I see my students learning with ease! I am free of all negative thinking. I release the need to try to control everything and everyone. I trust the process of life. I love and approve of myself! I WAKE UP in my mind’s classroom daily. I am learning and growing everyday! ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE! ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM! ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL! ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD! #IBlessMySchoolWithLove

Posted in Good Stuff, school affirmations

Teachable Tuesday!!!

Good Morning Awesome Educators and Friends!!! First I want to say, we are all educators in some form or fashion, so this blog is for all who read it. This brings me to our Teachable Tuesday! Anyone who teaches, thrives when they have teachable moments. These are mostly unplanned events that take place from which others can learn. Just think about applying that to our daily lives. (Unplanned events from which others can learn) Louise Hay says that we should see every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. How different would we view our problems if we saw them as teachable moments for ourselves and/ or others. Just imagine, whatever is taking place in your life right now was formed in the classroom of your mind. Therefore in order to change your situation, you will have to visit that classroom often. Sometimes we think our minds are a scary place to be only because we don’t think we can control it. I have learned that the more I visit inside my mind’s classroom, the more I’m able to take control. Now instead of feeling sorry for myself or feeling guilty when something doesn’t go as planned; I just make it a teachable moment and learn with love and joy!

Daily Affirmations: Today is Amazing Day! I am grateful for all my life’s experiences. It is safe to visit the classroom of my mind. I love learning and growing! I view every moment of my life as a teachable moment for myself and for others. I love myself. I approve of myself. Great things are flowing my way. I deserve the best and I accept the best now. My income is constantly increasing. I prosper wherever I turn. ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE! ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM! ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL! ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD! #IBlessMySchoolWithLove

Mighty Monday!!!!

Good Morning All who Educate in form or another! Today is an Amazing Day! We are mighty! We are very powerful. Our minds can create what we want in our lives. It may take a while but if you work at it, you will soon become an awesome creator. So as you go today, keep doing your affirmations. You will see little changes that will soon turn into big changes. If you keep at it, you will change your whole life! I read my affirmation throughout the day, all day! I have seen great changes in my classroom since I started this journey. The things that used to aggrevate me don’t even phase me anymore. I had to learn that affirmations don’t change others, it only changes me. And changing me and the way I think and believe is the only thing I have control over! I am so grateful to God for making the changes that I create in my mind. I am a Mighty Creator!

Daily Affirmations: Today is an Amazing Day! I am a Mighty Creator! What I believe about life becomes true for me. I am working to change my beliefs and all my changes are positive! I am grateful for that I have! I love my life! I love and approve of myself! I trust the process of life! My income is constantly increasing! God’s wealth is circulating in my life! ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE! ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM! ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL! ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD! #IBlessMySchoolWithLove

Posted in Good Stuff

Relax and Refresh!

Good Morning Y’all!!!! I am so excited! This weekend starts the Kentucky Derby Events! I normally go to Thunder Over Louisville. But today I have decided to schedule me a Massage and a Mani/Pedi.Then I’m going to just sit around the house and relax! As the school year comes to a close and more events for city take place, our students are going BONKERS!!! They want to be outside playing not stuck inside. That’s why I’m scheduling time to Relax and Resfresh! That way I am not tired at work. This helps me to stay positive and teach with understanding. Most of the time an angry teacher is a tired teacher! Really everybody at some point in time is a teacher. Parents are teachers to their children, Employers are teachers to  their Employees, etc. So everyone needs to always schedule time to Relax and Refresh!

Affirmations: Today is an Amazing day! I love relaxing! I enjoy being with myself. My mind is a safe place to explore. I love myself! I approve of myself! Rest comes easy for me! Today I will Relax and Refresh! ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE!

FRANgelism Friday

Good Morning Most Awesome and Wonderful Educators and Friends! Today is an Amazing Day! I’m sure good things have started flowing your way! So, now it’s time for you to tell it! Share with somebody the good things that have been taking place in your classroom and in your life! By you sharing your successes that says to God and the universe that you are grateful! Case in point, I always share with other teachers about how  “my classroom is a peaceful haven”. Now it’s seems like it’s hard for anger to enter my classroom. Even when I try to get angry, the children say “Okay Mr. Demby calm down” Then I can’t help but smile. So the anger leaves. God just sends me more reasons to be happy! That’s why I got to tell everybody I know about how many good things are flowing my way! You should too! Tell your F. friends R. relatives A. associates N. neighbors! FRANgelism Friday!

Daily Affirmations: Today is an Amazing Day! Great things always come my way! I am on a wonderful journey and life continues to surprise me with good! The more I tell of the good in my life, the more good flows to me. I love and approve of myself. I trust the process of life! I teach with ease and joy! My classroom is a peaceful haven! ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE! ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM! ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL! ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD! #IBlessMySchoolWithLove

Posted in school affirmations

Think about it Thursday!

Good Morning My Awesome Educators and Friends!!! I am soooo excited today! Because I have seen my positive thoughts bring about some good changes in my classroom and school. (And in my life!) Children that normally act ugly in other classes have been perfect angels in mine. This has been Awesome! So as you go today, keep your thoughts about how you want your classroom and life in the forefront of your mind. Don’t allow your current situation to change your thoughts about your future! Even if it does, stop and breathe then tell that negative thought, “Thank you for stopping by, but you are not needed right now”.Then think about how you really want it to be. Always remember that thoughts can be changed, so choose positive thoughts. You will then be amazed at the little miracles that will daily come to you!

Daily Affirmations: Today is an Amazing Day! My Positive thoughts make a difference in my life! I am a deliberate creator of my own future. I prosper everywhere I turn and my income is constantly increasing. I see myself teaching with ease. I see my students learning with joy and ease. I love and approve of myself! I trust the process of life. I love my life! ALL IS WELL AND I AM SAFE! ALL IS WELL IN MY CLASSROOM! ALL IS WELL IN MY SCHOOL! ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD! #IBlessMySchoolWithLove